Understanding Tinnitus

What is Tinnitus?

You're hearing sounds in your head. Or more precisely, your ear. Don't worry; you are not hallucinating. You might be suffering from tinnitus.

Tinnitus, simply outlined, is the condition wherein the victim hears sounds, either constantly or infrequently, even if his surroundings are absolutely silent. This sound usually takes the form of some kind of ringing, which is where the condition gets its name from - the Latin word, tinnitus, meaning ringing. Nonetheless these sounds need not be limited to ringing. They can be high pitched tones, clicking, roaring - even songs. Whatever the character of the sounds, tinnitus is an uncomfortable and even painful condition to live with.

The good news is that you're not all alone if you suffer from tinnitus. About one in five people between the ages of 55 and 65 suffer from this condition. Tinnitus has affected many well known folks. Among them are many famous musicians - Eric Clapton, Paul Simon, Neil Young and Beethoven.

Tinnitus can be of 2 types - objective and subjective. Patients with objective tinnitus basically emit sounds from their ears loud enough to be perceived upon exam. These sounds can be regularly due to muscle seizures. Medical attention should be sought right away if the sound beats in time with the pulse : though rare, this could hint at an aneurysm or dissection of the carotid artery.

The other kind is subjective tinnitus, which usually results from hearing loss. Other causes include side-effects from chemotherapy or medication ( including antibiotics and painkillers ), head wounds, thyroid, depression and even anemia, to name a few.

There are many tinnitus treatments - allopathic medicine, alternative therapies and a combination of the two. Tinnitus Miracle is one of the new treatments, a clinically proven 5 step holistic system that promises to cure tinnitus permanently, without drugs or surgery. Tinnitus Miracle includes:

A simple 15 minute tinnitus questionnaire you can take at home to know the exact severity of your Tinnitus.

The proven 5- step multi-dimensional Tinnitus Miracle™ Anti- Tinnitus Success System that has helped thousands of men and women to end the noise in their ears sometimes within days and eliminate all types of Tinnitus completely within 8 weeks

The top ten worst foods you should never eat when you have tinnitus

The two breathing strategies that significantly help your body to start heal itself and fight Tinnitus.

Why you'll never get the whole truth about drugs, and risky surgeries from almost any doctor (Even if they wanted to tell you, this is why they CAN'T!)

The importance of optimizing your immune system. Discover how you can start feeling much healthier and ward off Tinnitus forever by boosting your natural immune capabilities

Common household ingredients, drugs and habits that might be causing or aggravating your tinnitus without your knowledge

How to prevent the recurrence of Tinnitus, ear, sinus infections, and allergies and how they are all connected. How to tackle the root cause of Tinnitus , keeping your internal organs in optimum condition and eliminate all of these afflictions forever.

Tinnitus might be troubling on occasions but it's not the end of the world. Talk to your doctor, join a support group and make the changes you need to your lifestyle. In fact, there are plenty of people around the world who still lead full and healthy lives with this condition; there's no reason why you can't too.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Reduce Tinnitus Naturally - wikiHow

How to Reduce Tinnitus Naturally

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Tinnitus is typically characterized as a ringing in the ears. It can also include buzzing, whistling or hissing and can be constant or intermittent. There are many theories as to what causes Tinnitus. Some of these include damage to the nerve endings in the inner ear, hearing loss, jaw joint disorders, damaged ear drums, tumors, high cholesterol and even allergies. While it's not always easy to pinpoint the cause of your ringing, there are a number of natural ways to reduce Tinnitus. Increasing blood circulation and reducing dizziness and inflammation are best places to start. Consider these suggestions for how to reduce Tinnitus naturally.


Foods to Consume
  1. Eat plenty of fresh pineapple for increased blood circulation.
  2. Add garlic to your food. Garlic helps to both reduce inflammation and increase circulation.
  3. Increase your intake of raw fruits and green vegetables. These foods are rich in vitamins and amino acids that help reduce inflammation in the ear.
  4. Snack on dried fruits and nuts. These are also beneficial in reducing Tinnitus naturally.
  5. Try to work kelp and sea vegetables into your diet. These foods are rich in vitamins and zinc.

Things to Avoid
  1. Cut back on salt in your food. Salt can raise blood pressure and increase symptoms of Tinnitus.
  2. Reduce smoking and alcohol consumption as these are thought to effect the sounds in your ears.
  3. Alternate your usual caffeinated beverages with decaf versions whenever possible. It is thought that caffeine can also impact ringing in the ears.

Natural Remedies for Tinnitus
  1. Blend fenugreek seeds and mistletoe to make a natural tea that can help reduce the discomfort of Tinnitus.
  2. Take a supplement of Ginkgo Biloba. This can help reduce dizziness that may be associated with Tinnitus.
  3. Add Co enzyme Q10 as a daily antioxidant supplement. This can be used alone or combined with Ginkgo Biloba.
  4. Use oils from lemon, cypress, rosemary and rose for aromatherapy, massage or even in a vaporizer to help increase blood circulation.
  5. Increase your exercise. Even small additions such as walking, taking the stairs and stretching can help increase blood flow and oxygen.
  6. Combine 1 tsp. (5 ml) of salt and 1 tsp. (5 ml) of glycerin with 1 pt. of warm water. Use a neti pot or bulb syringe and apply the mixture in each nostril. Allow it to drain down the back of your throat. Use this 3 times a day to clear nasal passages.
  7. Get plenty of rest. Although it may be difficult to sleep with noise in your ears, divert your attention with white noise from a fan. Earphones with low-level music or nature sounds may also work well.


  • Ginkgo Biloba can interact with certain medications. Be sure to check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking this supplement.

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Reduce Tinnitus Naturally. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

aturally - wikiHow

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tinnitus - A Review

What is Tinnitus?
Are you hearing sounds in your head or more precisely in your ears? Don't worry, you are not hallucinating. You might be actually suffering from tinnitus.
Tinnitus, simply defined is the condition wherein the sufferer hears sounds, either constantly or sporadically even if his surroundings are completely silent. This sound usually takes the form of some kind of ringing, which is where the condition gets its name from - the Latin word for ringing. However, these sounds need not be limited to ringing. They can be high-pitched tones, clicking, roaring, even songs. Whatever the nature of the sounds, it is an uncomfortable and even painful condition to live with.
Famous Sufferers
The good news is that you're not alone. About one in five people between the ages of 55 and 65 suffer from this condition. It has affected many well-known people. Among them are many famous musicians - Eric Clapton, Paul Simon, Neil Young and Beethoven.
Tinnitus can be of two types: objective and subjective. Patients suffering from objective tinnitus actually emit sounds from their ears loud enough to be perceived upon examination. These sounds can be often caused by muscle spasms. Medical attention should be sought immediately if the sound beats in time with the heart. Although rare, this may hint at an aneurysm or dissection of the carotid artery.
The other kind is subjective, which usually results from hearing loss. Other causes include side effects from chemotherapy or medication (including antibiotics and painkillers), head injuries, thyroid, depression and even anemia to name a few.
Treatments Available
Yes there are various treatments for each type. Gamma knife radiosurgery, teflon implants and electrical neurostimulators as well as drugs claim to help in the treatment of objective tinnitus. On the other hand, there is an entire gamut of treatments identified for subjective tinnitus; given the numerous factors that can cause it. Some of these treatments include: various drugs, techniques such as electrical stimulation, surgical repair of the ear to stop leakage of inner ear fluid, external sound treatment to mask the sounds and cognitive behavioral therapy. Speak to your doctor about which treatment would suit you best.
Of course it can! Prevention is always better than cure and this is especially true if you are a musician or are often exposed to loud sounds for long periods of time. Avoid prolonged exposure to any kind of sound. Studies reveal that even 70 decibel sounds can damage hearing in the longterm. Invest in a good pair of earmuffs or ear plugs to block out external sounds such as those caused by noisy electrical appliances, mowers, loud music or if you often find yourself in noisy environments such as construction sites or loud concerts. With a wide variety of noise reduction earphones on the market today, you should be able to find one that meets your needs. Caffeine, alcohol and nicotine can increase or induce tinnitus if you already suffer from it, so it might be time to finally stub out that cigarette or reduce your daily quota of coffee.
Tinnitus might be distressing at times but it's not the end of the world. Speak to your doctor, join a support group and make the changes you need to your lifestyle. After all, there are people all over the world who still lead full and healthy lives with this condition; there's no reason why you can't too.

Would you like to know more about Tinnitus Relief? check out this site for more information

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How to Stop Ringing Ears - Easy Methods You Can Try Today

Do you suffer from a constant, loud buzzing in your head? Are you at a loss for how to stop ringing ears? Is the constant noise affecting your daily activities and the way you treat other people? Don't fret, for there are indeed natural, safe, and low-cost remedies for restoring your inner peace and quiet!
If you hear a constant ringing in your ears, chances are you have tinnitus, a condition which can be caused by inflammation, high blood pressure, and tons of other factors. Sadly, most doctors attempt to treat this disease with high-priced, dangerous, and ultimately ineffective drugs and surgeries. The pharmaceutical companies are getting richer, but people's ears are ringing louder than ever. Don't worry, though, because no matter what the causes of your ringing are, you can find easy, natural solutions to apply right away.

Vitamins and Minerals - Nature's Medicine
One of the reasons why you may suffer from tinnitus is an improper balance and intake of essential vitamins and minerals. When people ask me how to stop their ringing ears, I typically recommend that they add more B-vitamins and Zinc to their diet. These have been shown in several studies to drastically reduce ringing and buzzing.
Also, you need to watch your salt intake; salt is a mineral, after all! Consuming too much sodium can directly worsen your tinnitus by throwing off your mineral balance. It can also give you high blood pressure, a common cause of incessant ear ringing. Try eating less salt and more potassium-rich foods like bananas, beets, and apricots.

Stay Calm - It Can Only Help...
This may seem like a no-brainer, but a lot of people don't realize that getting worked up and irritable only makes tinnitus and other ear-ringing conditions worse! This is because high blood pressure causes many people to experience insufferable ringing in their heads. Stress and blood pressure are often directly related - why do you think people use the phrase, "his blood was boiling" to describe an angry person? Next time you're in a stressful situation, stay calm to keep the ringing under control. You'll avoid that vicious cycle of higher stress and worsened noise.

Oils and Vapors - Ancient Remedies, Modern-day Results!
When people tell me they've tried everything they can think of and still don't know how to stop ringing ears, I recommend a blend of special oils. Using oils for rubbing and making vapors has gone by the wayside with the advent of modern medicine, but they still work extremely well for curing tinnitus!
The best oils to use are juniper, cypress, and lavender. Juniper is great for detoxifying your blood, something you've got to do if you want to permanently cure your tinnitus. Cypress helps stop ringing in your ears by promoting better blood circulation and calmness. Lavender also has a calming, soothing effect, and it can help to promote regeneration of the cells in your ears. Combine all of these oils to make a vapor rub for a truly powerful effect!

A Permanent Cure
All of these easy, natural remedies will work great, but many of them only address the symptoms of constant ear ringing. You need to address the actual causes of your tinnitus, those factors in your home and in your life which are causing your ears to malfunction. You need to learn what common household chemicals to avoid, what foods are the best and worst, and other simple yet important factors that contribute to your condition. Constant ear ringing is truly a life-threatening disease in the way that it affects your sense of well-being and ability to just go about your day peacefully. Learn more about how to stop ringing ears at http://www.squidoo.com/curing-tinnitus-2-months-to-peace-and-quiet.

Tips on How to Cure Tinnitus

When you start hearing strange noises inside your ears that are not coming from outside, then you can be sure that you are suffering from tinnitus. This type of condition is not categorized as disease by medical science. Tinnitus can be caused by contamination of the ears like wax, and even by any kind of infection in the ears, or there might be some foreign object in your ears. Even if it is not a disease, you should know the way to treat tinnitus. If you are conscious about the ways to treat tinnitus you can do so whenever you get the attack.

However, before you try to cure tinnitus on you own, you should get your ears checked by an experienced medical professional. The doctor can diagnose the real cause of tinnitus. If it is found that some foreign object or wax in you ear is causing the noise, the doctor will know how to heal tinnitus by taking out all the debris from your ears. If on the other hand it is discovered that your ears have been infected, the doctor is there to help you in curing the infection which in turn will cure tinnitus.

There are some medications that exist which can cure tinnitus. Clinical studies have proved that antidepressants like tricyclic can work well to cure tinnitus. To cope with tinnitus acamporosate and neurontine too are quite effective. Some doctors even suggest wearing hearing aid which can help suppress the noise inside the ears by inputting amplified external noise into the ears.

It has also been found that too much stress in life can also cause tinnitus. Therefore in order to cure tinnitus you need to bring about some change in your life style that will reduce stress. Along with change in lifestyle you should also include some kind of daily physical exercise in order to cure tinnitus.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Brief Summary For Tinnitus

Tinnitus could be treated and cured. There a few simple ways to get rid of tinnitus and get your hearing back. Here are some basic information that one should know about tinnitus:

1. What is tinnitus? Tinnitus is noise that seems to originate within the ear or head rather than from the outside. The symptoms may include several types of phantom noises in the ears:

- Ringing

- Buzzing

- Tickling

- Hissing

- Roaring

- Whistling

The phantom noise may vary in pitch from a low ringing to a high squeal, and may be perceived in one or both ears. The sound can be so loud it interferes with the ability to concentrate or hear. Even a common tinnitus may disturb your daily activities. Tinnitus may be present all of the time or it may come in a short time and go.

2. Who gets this hearing problem? Tinnitus may effects anyone, and more common with the increasing age people. About 17 percent of the general population around the world suffered tinnitus and other underlying disorder. Individual who work in noisy surroundings, such as diesel engine generator, industrial machinery, are at greater risk for developing tinnitus, especially when they do not utilize any earplugs or earmuffs.

3. What causes it? According to the fact there are many causes for tinnitus other than elder people. Individuals who work in noisy surroundings, an accident occur directly to the ear such as a hit of a ball, a hand slap right on the ear, exposure to very loud noise such as firearms, some medications such as antibiotics and too much aspirin, may caused tinnitus.

4. Is tinnitus serious? Most of the time tinnitus is not a serious problem; however, it is frequently accompanied by hearing loss. Tinnitus is a nuisance to those that suffer from the condition rather than a sickness.

5. Can tinnitus be prevented? To prevent of getting tinnitus, we can take some preventive precautions: - Protect your hearing at work by wearing earplugs or earmuffs if heavy noises present at your work place. - Do not place objects in the ear such as cotton swabs to clean earwax. - Do not consume too much medicine such as antibiotics or aspirin.

6. Tinnitus Treatment In many cases, there is no specific treatment for tinnitus. It may simply go away on its own, or it may be a permanent disability that the patient will have to "live with". It is wise to consult your doctor before doing any treatment.

Bud Adrian survived Tinnitus a few years ago. Tinnitus could be cured. For more information on tinnitus, visit http://www.tinnitushealing.com

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Efficient Natural Tinnitus Cure!

In case you endure from tinnitus symptoms, it is time to be taught more about natural tinnitus cure. Tinnitus is not a disease. It is merely a condition that affects the ears and hearing. Almost everyone has suffered from tinnitus at some point. Usually folks have tinnitus symptoms after being exposed to loud noise over a protracted time, comparable to at a concert or building site.

Some people are familiar with the symptoms of tinnitus. It's constant ringing and noise in your ears that seems never stop. Should you ever had this you in all probability know how exhausting it might be.

Your success relies on treating the true causes of tinnitus ringing in the ears. If the issue is due to a case in which the attraction is there, then it is straightforward to treat the problem. For instance, in case your loud night breathing is caused by a blood circulation downside in among the veins, which have some defects, which will be corrected, it is easy to treat tinnitus. However However, if the alarm is due to unknown drawback bloodstream, so it may be troublesome treat.

Though there are lots of causes for the problem of ringing within the ears, however almost ninety% of the time, is because of exposure to loud noise or excessive stress or anxiousness of a breast problem drug problem. Natural for ringing in the ears have developed lately as a consequence of a lot research is going on.

The phenomenon often known as tinnitus is subjective and everybody will describe the particular noises they hear differently.

Although the sounds heard are most commonly referred to as a ringing in the ear, most victims actually experience many distinction sounds.

Some folks will describe the sounds as ringing sounds in the ears, while others would describe the noises as a hissing, buzzing, or even a whistling noises in the ears.

Others again will speak about roaring waterfall type noises however others may describe those very same sounds as dashing noises.

Tinnitus can have many alternative causes, however mostly outcomes from otologic disorders - the same circumstances that cause hearing loss. The most common cause is noise-induced listening to loss, ensuing from exposure to extreme or loud noises. However tinnitus, together with sudden onset listening to loss, could have no obvious external cause. Ototoxic medication could cause tinnitus both secondary to listening to loss or with out hearing loss, and may enhance the injury completed by exposure to loud noise, even at doses that aren't in themselves ototoxic.

Ear ringing from continued exposure to loud noises is by far the most common form of this condition. Different widespread occasions that may lead to a ringing within the ears are a severe blow to the top (like when the airbag in your automobile deploys in a motor accident), ear infections and earwax removals.

Young folks normally do not suffer from tinnitus. It is a problem of older age. Normally people after age of thirty can encounter ear ringing. It occurs mostly because organism becomes filled with waste merchandise at older age. That waste clogs the blood vessels which will cause not only partial loss of listening to but additionally headaches and depression.

The next technique will to cleanse your body of the waste merchandise that helps to get rid of tinnitus. It could take some time although up to three month however the results well price it.

You have to one cup of Dill seeds. Boil them in 1/2 gallon (2 litters) of water. Let it quiet down overnight. Now drink two tablespoons of this Dill seeds thrice a day until it's over. It is going to take up approximately three month.

Drinking this dill water will cleanse your blood vessels and get rid of the ringing and noise in your ears. This technique is very good not only for tinnitus, it has general healing effect. You will really feel total improvement of your well being and rejuvenated.

Remember should you dwell on the tinnitus it might increase into an obsession that would dominate your very being. Whatever you think about expands, so just by specializing in the positive elements of your life the truth is will act as a natural tinnitus cure!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Alternative Tinnitus Treatments

Have you been suffering from tinnitus for some time now? If you have, you must know how painful and frustrating all those noises in the ear can be. They can strike anytime in the day, and can become worse in the night. You would probably give anything to get some relief. But that's of course easier said than done. The remedies suggested by the physician can give some relief. But the noises always come back.

So are the noises of tinnitus getting on your nerves? Its time you considered alternative tinnitus remedies. You should know that your physician practicing conventional treatments cannot really cure you from all those noises. Sure enough, your noises can go down with treatment, but they will always come back. At best, you can get some temporary respite from conventional treatment - nothing more.

You would be happy to know that there are a few wonderful alternative tinnitus remedies that have worked very well for many sufferers like you. There's no reason why they can't work for you.

Consider These Alternative Tinnitus Remedies

Herbal treatments - These treatments are developed from herbs.. For thousands of years, in ancient India, China and in other countries, herbal remedies have cured a lot of people from all kinds of diseases. We can't really ignore that. Herbal remedies also usually do not cause any side effects. Even modern medicine is now agreeing that several herbs have curative values and have a large role to play.

The ginkgo biloba herb can be extremely effective in treating tinnitus. It can enhance blood circulation and treat vertigo - both these conditions have been linked to tinnitus. Ginkgo biloba can also calm your senses and ease the symptoms. On the negative side however, herbal remedies might not be as effective for everyone.

Essential oils - Sometimes essential oils too work very well. Some people have got very good results by applying one kind of oil. And for others, a blend of various oils has worked. Both these approaches can work. Oils such as Cypress, Lavender and Juniper have been tried by many tinnitus sufferers, and they report positive results. Essential oils work best when they are applied through vaporization, massage, inhalation, compression and bathing.

Optimizing Your Diet - The food you eat is crucial to your health. When we choose the right foods, we stay healthy, and when we opt for all that junk stuff, we fall ill. It is essential that we have all the vitamins and minerals that our body needs to function properly. But sometimes, because of wrong food choices, the human body does not receive all the essential nutrients. For example, if you are not getting adequate Vitamin B, then you might develop tinnitus.

Luckily however, Vitamin B is easily obtainable from grains, cereals, vegetables and fruits. So always ensure that your eating plan includes them. Eat a well balanced meal that includes all the food groups. A supplement can never work as well as the natural food source.

Sound Masking - This is a unique approach to provide you some relief from the tinnitus noises. Those who suffer from tinnitus often report the problem worsening in the night. This happens because the silence of the night seems to intensify the noises heard. A masking device plays some soft natural noises that are pleasant on the ear. It is as if you are hearing some channel music at the hotel lobby or listening to your favorite composer through the earphone. The unpleasant swishing, buzzing and constant ringing is thus blocked.

Alternative tinnitus treatments may work. But there's a problem. In most cases, when using alternative remedies for tinnitus, the root contributing factors that caused all those noises remain, and so the sounds will come back as soon as you have stopped following these treatments.

The only way you could ever get rid of your tinnitus for good is by following the holistic approach to healing. By using a multidimensional treatment for tinnitus, we are tackling all tinnitus causative factors and eliminating these triggering elements from the root. This is the only path for permanent freedom from tinnitus.

This article is based on the book, "Tinnitus Miracle" by Thomas Coleman. Thomas is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated his life to creating the ultimate Tinnitus solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root of ear ringing and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting his website.